Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Creativity (Talk by Dean)

So, last 3 weeks ago, our dean, Harold Thwaites visited us during our Visual Research and Communications class to give a talk about 'Creativity'. He says that creativity comes from everything and everywhere. It is the ability to imagine or invent something new. These are some of the points that he gave.

How to embrace it?: Passion + Knowledge & Experience + Method

[Passion: Desire to Create, Challenging Spirit, Curiosity, Hard Work]

[Knowledge & Experience: Define Objective, Collect, Organize, Place, Ideation, Take a Break, Communal Force, Setup the Flow, No Noise & Stress, Music, Tools]

[Method: Techniques, Free Writing, Mind-Mapping, Sketching, Merging Ideas, Thinking Opposites, Seeking Inspiration]

Mind you, our dean is one weird guy. Then again, aren't all creative minds are?


Hey there! Dominic Bay's the name, but you guys can call me Dom for short. I'm 18 years old this year and I am currently studying in Multimedia University (MMU for short), which is located in Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia. I'm an intro-extrovert (Google it), and a movie enthusiast. I enjoy listening to the soundtracks/scores of movies as well. Well, enough about me, let's talk about this blog.

So, this is a blog specially created for my Creative Studies subject, which is under Mr. Ahmad Radzi. I hope I can learn more about creativity in his class.

So, that's all there is, there isn't anymore (for now) =D

PS: Here's the official website of my university, and below that is the website of the faculty I'm studying in.